2021 summary
Wow, this year it was beautiful by me
This year I met this beautiful page, I am very in love with this community, I made many friends and I had the opportunity to feel close to people I admire
What i got this year?
I am a person who overthinks things and ends up not doing them
But I was encouraged to enter the summerfest and it was fun!
And at last I was encouraged to animate a lot
What do I want to achieve in 2022?
★Advance my NG Guy project
★Participate in more NG events(cuz I'm shy AF)
★ animate more!
★ Learning more English
I am happy for 2021 and I know I will be more so in 2022!
Atte: Bonum aka Chrorex. :')
I was happy to see your various projects throughout the year and I hope you're able to achieve your goals in 2022. Good luck my guy and keep making cool shit!